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What are the bus fees?

For the 2024-25 school year, if Kindergarten - Grade 6 students live less than 1 km from their designated school, or Grade 7-12 students live less than 2 km from their designated school, or outside the Division’s formed boundaries, parents are required to pay an annual fee of $500 per student to a family maximum of $1000. These fees are subject to an annual review.

If your children are riders on buses operated by another school division, please contact their transportation department directly, for their terms, conditions and fees.

When are fees due and how can I pay them?

Bus fees should be paid by the second day of school. Parents or guardians can make arrangements to either pay in full or in four equal pre-authorized payments through School Cash Online.

Is the fee pro-rated if we start bus service during the year?

Students who begin busing during the year are subject to the full annual fee. A pro-rated fee may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Why aren’t bus fees completely covered by the Division?

The Division currently subsidizes the annual cost of operating buses for all students.

For the 2024-25 school year, the provincial government provides some funding for Kindergarten-Grade 6 students who live more than 1 km from their designated school and Grade 7-12 students who live more than 2 km from their designated school. The Division receives no funding for families who live closer than these distances (walking distance) from their designated school, or who live outside the Division’s formed boundaries. The Division offers bus service to these families for a fee.