École Mother d'Youville School - Construction Delay
PostedDear Parents & Guardians:
I am writing to inform you that we were recently notified that the opening of the new École Mother d'Youville School
facility will be late due to construction delays.
Although the Government of Alberta could not provide a firm construction completion date at this time, it is anticipated
that we will be able to take occupancy of the building in October/November.
Meanwhile, as planned, we will still launch École Mother d'Youville School beginning in September 2017.
To do this, we will be utilizing the “school-within-a-school” model. We have experienced previous success with this model
as a means of dealing with construction delays, most recently in Leduc.
The “school-within-a-school” model will see École Mother d'Youville School’s grades 5 to 9 students and staff function together as a cohesive and self-contained school unit, but housed within the Académie Saint-André Academy facility to begin the school year. Once the new École Mother d'Youville School facility is ready in October/November, students and teachers will seamlessly transition over to the new building.
This delay, while unfortunate, does not dampen our excitement and enthusiasm as we anticipate the eventual opening of our beautiful new facility, which will serve as a wonderful addition to Catholic education in the community of Beaumont for
many years to come.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact École Mother d’Youville principal, Mr. Jim McMullen, at
Dr. Troy A. Davies