STAR Catholic approves Three-Year Education Plan and Annual Education Results Report
Leduc — St. Thomas Aquinas Roman (STAR) Catholic Schools’ Board of Trustees approved the Division’s combined 2017-2020 Three Year Education Plan and 2016-2017 Annual Education Results Report, November 30, 2017.
The Three Year Education Plan (3YEP) and Annual Education Results Report (AERR) showcases the success experienced in STAR Catholic, as it reports the Division’s best results in five years, continuing an upward trend as one of the highest performing divisions in the province.
“Our AERR reveals overall measures of great success and is a tribute to the work of everyone involved with STAR Catholic Schools,” said Dr. Troy Davies, Superintendent. “In a similar way, we are confident that our 3YEP maps out an exciting road that, when covered, will position STAR Catholic in an even stronger position than it already enjoys.”
There is still room, however, to improve on closing the achievement gap for First Nations, Metis and Inuit (FNMI) students.
“Supporting First Nations, Metis and Inuit students is key to the Board’s priorities, and as a Board, we are encouraged by the plan that has been put forth to bridge those gaps,” said Michelle Lamer, Board Chair. “That plan includes extensive professional development for teachers with a focus on Indigenous culture as well as partnerships with educational authorities in Maskwacis.”
With a continued focus on the Board’s top priorities, STAR Catholic is excited by the many initiatives set forth in the Three Year Education Plan, including: the supports created through School Leadership Teams, consultation through a new Superintendent’s Council and the establishment of a Division-wide technology Learning Coach and Youth Minister. As a Catholic school division, permeated in faith, a three-year faith theme has also been developed to guide the Division over the next three years.
The Board also approved its 2017-2018, $45 million budget, which outlines the Board’s capital priorities and lists a modernization of Father Lacombe Catholic School as its top priority.
Based in central Alberta, Saint Thomas Aquinas Roman (STAR) Catholic School Division represents 11 schools that serve the communities of Beaumont, Drayton Valley, Lacombe, Leduc, Ponoka, and Wetaskiwin. The STAR Catholic Schools team of teachers and support staff are committed to giving more than 4,000 students across our division every opportunity to achieve their potential in a caring, safe and Christ-centred environment.
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For more information, contact:
Vince Burke
Manager of Communications
STAR Catholic Schools
(780) 986-2500