A day to learn and share the gift of Catholic education!
Catholic Education Sunday is a day to recognize and celebrate the contributions publicly funded Catholic schools have made in your child’s education, in the lives of your family, and the growth of your community.
+ Catholic schools are 100% Publicly Funded in Alberta, which means Catholic education is free and available to all students enrolled in a Catholic school.
+ Catholic schools are a definite and positive choice for many families, and that choice is being made as enrollment in Catholic schools, including STAR Catholic Schools, continues to grow.
+ Catholic schools and Catholic education are the definition of an inclusive education, as Catholic schools enroll students of all faiths and backgrounds. Many non-Catholic families desire the environment created at a Catholic school, and choose Catholic schools for this reason.
+ The word Catholic literally means universal, and in Catholic schools students are taught to respect the diversity of others.
+ As Catholic education and Catholic schools sincerely desire to uphold the dignity of the person, that creates strengthened relationships among students and teachers, and the home and school.
+ There are a number of efficiencies found between Catholic school divisions and their sister Public boards, such as in STAR Catholic with busing agreements to provide safe and reliable transportation for students.
+ Catholic schools are thankful for and blessed with many supporters. As the conversation around public funding for Catholic education continues, we ask you to share your stories of the benefits that publicly funded Catholic education has meant for your family.
Superintendent’s Message
Reflecting on Catholic education, it is impossible not to find comfort in the community created when a child attends a Catholic school. From the entire school, the teachers and parents, the local parish and the many supporters that volunteer or lend their voice for the betterment of their local Catholic school, all add to the success of Catholic education. A Catholic education is one that places a genuine and direct emphasis on the dignity of the human person. Our own STAR Catholic vision statement speaks to that in the words, crafted through an in-depth conversation with our parents, staff, students, and supporters: Souls Seeking Christ on a journey of faith, learning and love.
It’s in this vision, in the true commitment to the dignity of each person, and enthusiasm shown by supporters, that students achieve and grow with excellence in Catholic schools. In Catholic schools, Christ is at the centre, permeated throughout. That means Catholic schools proclaim the profound joy found in Christ, and His divine mission for us all. It’s this focus that allows Catholic schools to open students to exploring their talents academically, spiritually, and athletically. It’s this focus that puts Catholic schools, and specifically STAR Catholic among the top schools in the province in providing safe and caring schools. And, it’s this focus that gives way to the path forward for the tremendous stories of achievement we all are blessed to share in.
When talking with other parents, fellow parishioners, community members and your elected officials, share your positive story of Catholic education and the benefit publicly funded Catholic education means to your child, your family and your community!
God Bless!
Charlie Bouchard