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Q1: How will classes be impacted?

A: Where possible, students will be cohorted by class and teachers will move from class to class. There will be no mixed flex groups or elective classes for elementary or junior high. Within the classrooms, desks will be placed at the greatest physical distance possible and will not face each other. 

Q2: How many students will be in each in-person class?

The size of classes can't be confirmed until details of programming are finalized. However, classes will likely be a similar size as last year or with a few less students due to families choosing online learning. 

Q3: How long will students spend at school during a day?

Students will attend school for the entire regular school day.

Q4: Will there be shared communal items in the classroom?

A: A strict no sharing policy will be in effect; students will not be permitted to share food, materials, or supplies. Equipment that must be shared will be cleaned and disinfected after each use.

Q5: How will meal times be impacted?

A: Lunch and snack breaks may be staggered where possible to support physical distancing. No food may be shared between students or staff. Microwaves and vending machines will be out of service. Water fountains will remain open; students are encouraged to use refillable bottles.

Q6: Will playgrounds be closed to students at recess?

A: Playgrounds will remain open. Schools will assign cohort classes to different playground areas at recess. Students should also practice physical distancing and must hand sanitize when leaving the school for recess and re-entering the school afterwards. Students will be taught to avoid touching their face.

Q7: Will assemblies and other large gatherings take place?

Large gatherings such as school assemblies, concerts, and dances will not take place at this time.

Q8: Will field trips take place?

Field trips and outings requiring group transportation will not take place at this time.

Q9: What other activities will not take place?

A: In-person singing, cheering, or shouting; playing wind instruments; sports and extracurricular activities will not take place at this time.