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Q1: What health precautions will be taken on the bus?

A: Bus drivers and students in grades 4 through 12 will be required to wear masks on the bus. Schools will develop additional safety procedures for student loading, unloading, and transfers that allow for a physical distance of 2 metres between all students (except members of the same household or cohorted students/staff). These may include seating plans that assign students to benches with other household members, loading students from the back of the bus to the front of the bus, and a protective zone for the driver. Cleaning and disinfection of high touch surfaces will also be increased. 

Q2: Can symptomatic children ride the bus?

A: The zero symptom tolerance and stay at home policy also applies to buses and pick-up/drop-off areas. Parents, students, and staff may not enter these areas if they are symptomatic. 

Q3: What will happen if a student becomes symptomatic on the bus?

A: Any child who becomes symptomatic on the bus, regardless of age, will be asked to wear a mask. The bus driver will contact the school to make arrangements to have the student picked up by a parent, guardian, or emergency contact.

Q4: Should I drive my child(ren) to school?

A: If your child normally takes the bus but you are able to drive them to school, consider doing so. This will allow for more physical distancing for students who have no option but to take the bus.